A Simple Productivity System You Can Build in Less Than 2 Minutes
Today, I’m going to teach you how to build a simple productivity system in just two minutes.
Emphasis on the simple.
Lets start with: what is a system?
A system is something that will allow you to reach your goals.
What is a goal?
A goal is something you want.
Say for example my goal is to make a photobook.
How do we build a system around that?
The simplest system we can build is a “quota”.
So to build a photobook our quota could be 30 minutes of working on the book a day.
30 minutes each and every day and the book will eventually be done.
I’ll give you another example.
Say your goal is to read 20 books this year.
Your quota could either be “15 minutes of reading a day” or “to read 1 page a day”.
You can pick a number based on quantity of time or quantity of pages - whichever you prefer.
If you read 15 minutes a day every day, eventually you’ll get through the whole book.
This number is something you can adjust as you go.
As you get better, 15 minutes a day can easily become 30, which can become an hour and so on.
But I would recommend to start small.
Begin with a dragon you can actually slay.
This could mean going as low as 5 minutes a day or even just 1 minute.
And then working your way up.
So now we have a system.
Make sure you stick to it.
Even the famous author Stephen King still uses his “6 pages of writing a day” system.
If you stick to the system each and every day, you’ll eventually reach whatever goal you have chosen.
So that’s it. That’s the simplest productivity system you can build today to get started and accomplish your goals.
If you found this helpful, make sure you share this with a friend who is also trying to get stuff done.
Thanks for reading.